National forum on cognitive integration between methods of rhetorical research and discourse analysis
National forum on cognitive integration between methods of rhetorical research and discourse analysis,
Tuesday and Wednesday 15 – 16 Rabi Awal 1441 Hj / 12 – 13 November 2019
There are often intersections between the various disciplines in the fields of scientific knowledge. So arabic literary and linguistic studies are not immune to this phenomenon, particularly the areas of language, literature and criticism have not been able to develop in an isolated and independent field, but have often borrowed several tools and mechanisms of other disciplines either near or far.
So it is really that the problem that reigns in Arab literary and linguistic studies since their appearances, remains worthy to understand and invest its impacts in rhetorical studies and also in discourse analysis.
The organization of this national forum attempts to deal with the following problematic: What is the nature of the concept of cognitive integration? What are its different manifestations between the past and the present? How has interdisciplinarity served the methods of rhetorical research and the theory of discourse analysis?
The enrichment of the problematic of this national forum insists to elaborate the following thems:
1 – The philosophy of concepts and concepts: cognitive integration, interdisciplinarity.
2 – Cognitive integration in the methods of rhetorical thought among the old researchers between the theoretical aspect and the practical aspect.
3 – the cognitive integration in methods of rhetorical thought among contemporary researchers between the theoretical and practical aspects.
4 – Cognitive integration in discourse analysis methods