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Celebration of National Tree Day at the University of Mostaganem

On the occasion of the National Tree Day which took place on October 25 of each year, Abdelhamid Ibn Badis-Mostaganem University had the honor of hosting this important event which allowed the Wali of Mostaganem, Issa Boulahia, to launch with the civil, military and security authorities the national reforestation campaign during the period between October 2022 and March 2023.

Members of the university community of professors and students participated in the planting of trees at the Kharrouba site along with officers from the of the Forest Conservation Directorate, civil defense officers, members of the media community and representatives of Civil society.

On the occasion of this event, an exhibition was organised to present the environmental activities of various actors in the field, including students from the Higher School of Agronomy, students from the scientific and cultural clubs of the University of Mostaganem (ATLANTIC – BIOTECHNO – BIO. HOPE- OMINISCIENCE), forest prefecture, and associations active in the field of environmental protection such as the Association for Reform and Popularization, the Life Association for the Environment, and private institutions such as the ALSTOM Foundation and the Osmane Touati company.

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