Call for applications for the national competition to select the best innovative projects in the pharmaceutical field

Organised by Pharma Challenge UNOP

As part of the National Initiative for the Promotion of Innovative Projects, the Algerian National Union of Pharmacists is organizing a national competition for the selection of the best innovative projects with social and economic feasibility in the field of pharmacy (drugs, food supplements, medical equipment ), and is committed to providing support and accompanying project leaders to realize and market their products.

The competition is open until November 30, 2022

Field of competition:

  1. Formulation chimique ou biologique ou radio pharmaceutique de médicaments / Complément alimentaire / Dispositif Médical.
  2. Procédés de fabrication de médicaments / Dispositifs Médicaux.
  3. Ingénierie Pharmaceutique : Traitement eau / air / sol, locaux et installations.
  4. Equipements industriels et de contrôle pharmaceutique.
  5. Chimie industrielle : Synthèse chimique et industrialisation.
  6. Environnement : Traitement des rejets pharmaceutiques (effluents/déchets).
  7. Bio-informatique : Application / Dispositif médical / Solution informatique appliquée à l’industrie pharmaceutique et professionnelle de la santé.

If the innovative project covers one of the field mentioned above, you can register for the competition at the following link: