Curriculum vitae

Assistant professor Kamala Badalova
Azerbaijan Medical University, Department of Pharmaceutical toxicology and chemistry
ResearchGate Kamala-Badalova
ORCID 0000-0001-5935-0767

I was born in 16.03.1979 in Baku city, Azerbaijan. I finished my middle school by №2 in russian lunguage in Shamakha city of Azerbaijan. I have graduated Chemistry (organic chemistry) Faculty from Baku State University in 2006. I am an Assistant Professor at the Azerbaijan Medical University, Pharmaceutical toxicology and chemistry department. I teach organic chemistry subject for students of pharmacy and dentistry faculties in Azerbaijani, Russian, English languages.
I was Erasmus Mundus PhD student on Medicinal Chemistry at Santiago de Compostela University, Spain. My research field chemical-toxicological analysis of some toxic heavy metal compounds, assesment of TiO2 and Ag in human body, microscopic and ultrastructural characteristics of changes in the structural elements of liver under the action of toxic copper compounds. I investigated organic compounds isolated from plants.
I have published above 50 papers and short papers in reputed journals and conference materials, 2 study guide, 1 EurAsian patent.
I am also an editorial and advisory board member on several international scientific peer-reviewed journals: Journal of Ongoing Chemical Research, International Journal of Arts, Humanities, Literature and Science – IJAHLS, Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering(GRDJE), Turkish Research Journal of Academic Health and Medical Sciences (TURAHES), Eurasian Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences; 3. EMU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (EMUJPharmSci) and etc. Chief in editor of book “Recent Advances in Medical Sciences (Volume – 3)” (No. 79737, Äussere Weberstr. 57, 02763 Zittau, Germany).
I have been speaker, modeartor and a member of the organizing and scientific committees of several international conferences.
Interested areas: Medicinal chemistry, Organic chemistry, Nanochemistry, Biochemistry.

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