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Mohammed MOUSSA


[bs-text title="Publications" show_title="1" icon="" heading_color="#dd3333" heading_style="t2-s3" bs-show-desktop="1" bs-show-tablet="1" bs-show-phone="1" bs-text-color-scheme="" css="" custom-css-class="" custom-id=""]

  1. Modélisation et Simulation de Flux Dans un Service d’Imagerie de l’HMRUO

    M Moussa, K Belkadi
    5th International Conference on Sciences of Electronic
  2. Simulation de flux dans un service d’imagerie de l’HMRUO

    M Moussa, K Belkadi
    2ème Conférence internationale SIIE-, Hammamet, Tunisie
  3. Development of an Automatic Assessment in Remote Experimentation Over Remote Laboratory

    AA Benattia, A Benachenhou, M Moussa
    International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation …
  4. Work-in-Progress: A Smart Scheduling System for Shared Interactive Remote Laboratories

    M Moussa, A Benachenhou, AA Benatia
    International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, 601-606
  5. Tableau de bord pour management: Pilotage de performance d'un service de radiologie médicale



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